7/7 Ripple Effect 3



Released: July 7, 2019. Muad'Dib's expanded third version of the acclaimed original 7/7 Ripple Effect.

 ‫الإعدادات‬ ‫للترجمات‬ ‫في‬ ‫يوتيوب‬ ‫انقر‬ ‫على‬






Please share this film with everyone, because the organized criminals behind the 7/7 2005 terrorist-attacks are not going to stop, until enough people wake up, and decide to do what is necessary to stop them.

1 GB MP4 7:7 RIPPLE EFFECT 3.mp4 (alternative download links: 2)

If you wish to make copies of the full DVD yourself, you can download the DVD ISO image (3.7GB): 

DVD Label

It is recommended to use a download-addon like 'DownThemAll!' for Firefox, which will allow you to resume the download if you lose connection before downloading is complete.

If you're able to provide hosting and mirroring, please let us know. Thank-you.

How-to burn the ISO image onto a blank DVD on Mac OS X: instructions.
Same for Windows: instructions.



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